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  • #7484
    Sheila Oliver

      Two cub cougars were linked to a deer kill this week on Yucca Flats Ln. The Association contacted the Oregon Department of Fish & Wildlife (ODFW) in Bend. ODFW dispatched a animal trapper. One of the two identified cougars was trapped and removed. The other cougar remains at large but has not been seen in the last 24 hours. Other cougars have been seen recently within our boundaries as well. It is important for all property owners and guests to recognize and remember that we live and vacation in a wildlife area and many of these animals are a danger to adults, children, pets and livestock. If you have seen a cougar and a fresh animal kill please contact the Bend office of the ODFW at (541) 388-6363. As always, follow the Cougars Advisory which is attached.

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