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  • #7109

    On October 9th, mediation was held in Jefferson County Circuit Court. In attendance was
    representatives from each of the parties. Randy Panek, Rich Brandvold, and Michael Peterkin
    for Three Rivers, Tom and Becky Anderson for the Anderson Trust, Tim Elliott and Alexa Gassner
    for Jefferson County, Greg Hathaway for the DeMonte Family Trust and Greg Lynch, mediator.
    The mediation proceeded for 8 hours.

    The success of the mediation was best described by Greg Lynch in a follow up letter to the
    parties on October 10th as quoted, “It is truly remarkable, but not unique to this mediation, that
    I found each time we were at what appeared to be an irreconcilable impasse, someone came
    up with a suggestion and/or insight that allowed us to get passed that log jam and move on.
    There is a common denominator here, that being your individual and collective desire to
    resolve these conflicts, which will, in the end, get us there. Clearly, there is more work to be
    done, but quite honestly, I have not lost my enthusiasm or optimism.”

    On Friday, October 13th the DeMonte Family Trust, again, abruptly withdrew from mediation.
    The Association and counsel will continue efforts with the other parties and the hopes of
    resolving this matter short of litigation. We too are optimistic that settlement of the vacation
    of the alleged CR‐577 may be possible.

    A Pre‐Trail Conference is scheduled for Monday, October 16th 8:30 a.m. in Jefferson County
    Courtroom B.

    Randy Panek

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